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Visi Kabupaten Kota Layak Anak


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Amazing Development of Indonesian Child Friendly City. In 2009, at that time when I organized the first Asia Pasific Regional Conference in Chiba, Japan, I never imaginated that there would be such a country to develop the CFC movement so rapidly like Indonesia. When I visited the second conference in 2011 at Solo city (Surakarta), I was very much impressed to see the real heat of CFC movement. At the third conference held at Kathmadu, Nepal, in 2013, I was strongly impressed by the speech of 16 years old girl from Indonesia, might be as a representative of child/youth forum, who argued about the issue of children in ASEAN countries. Child friendly city is friendly to all of the people. As she mentioned, if well see the future consulted by children and youth, well not lose the right way of sustainable development to survive. I hope more people would be involved in this CFC movement by this book and Indonesia will go to show and lead the approach of real happy society by child friendly city movement for the countries in Asia, Pasific and all over the world. (Isami KINOSHITA, Professor Dr.) UNICEF Child Friendly Cities International Advisory Board Member

Kabupaten/Kota Layak Anak merupakan kerangka kerja untuk pemenuhan hak anak yang dapat digunakan oleh pemerintah kabupaten dan kota di Indonesia. Buku ini mengupas visi tersebut dengan baik, dan berguna untuk perencanaan dan perancangan pengembangan Kabupaten/Kota Layak Anak. (Ir. Rido Matari Icgwan, MCP) Staf Ahli Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Bidang Ekonomi & Investasi pada Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum, Alumnus Teknik Planalogi Institut Teknologi Bandung, Alumnus Massachussets Institute of Technology.

Additional information


Hamid P, Marini W, Riela P



Tebal Buku

iv + 172

Harga E-Book

Rp 30.000